Sunday, January 31, 2010

Since Wednesday

I stayed up far too late on Friday night.  I cannot do that anymore.

So, since Wednesday, a few things have been done/have happened.  On Wednesday afternoon, I had a Very Important Appointment Where Many Things Were Decided.  After that, dinner was bought for me at the Coffee News Cafe.
We've been a bunch of times and always ordered a variety of things, and have never been too terribly disappointed.  The fries are always awesome (even if my dining partner orders them with cheese and the fries are microwaved until it's a soggy pile of garlic, cheese, and fried potatoes) and they have desserts that always look pretty.  We ordered one of the desserts, my daughter's now perpetual favorite (anywhere) Red Velvet Cake.  It was less cakey than cream-cheese-frostingy and that wasn't thought to be a really bad thing.  It was also eaten (partially) as an appetizer.

On the other hand (and here's where the terribly disappointed part comes in) I ordered the polenta cakes and tomato sauce.  Polenta was tasteless.  The sauce had the occasional nice mushroom. That's all I will say.  Morgan liked her french dip though the beef was oddly thick sliced.  She did complain about the size of the pickle it came with, though this (bad cell phone pic) makes it look deceptively large.  Perspective will do that.

Thursday night was my first time getting to babysit my nephew!  We had the best time, running around the house and playing peek-a-boo and beating on things with spatulas (he likes to cook.)  That was until he got tired and realized mom and dad were not home.  Big alligator tears.  Luckily, at 14 months, he loves to be read to and loves to be sung to even more.  I sang/read Baby Beluga to him while he flipped the pages back and forth and I tried to keep up, singing a different version of the song with each (out of order) page turn.  After that comfort no longer worked, we walked around the house until he decided that the Beatles magnet on the refrigerator was the most fascinating thing to look at.  I took it off of the fridge and we snuggled while he stared at it and I sang the chorus to "Yellow Submarine" with "do do dos" for the other parts because I couldn't remember the rest of the words.  This also lasted a half hour.  The last half hour before he finally closed his eyes was whispering The Little Blue Truck.  I found he paid close attention when I whispered and the rhyming words lulled him into that sweet relaxed baby state.  I was so happy to get that time with the little one and I can't wait until next week when I see him again!

Thursday night also brought the arrival of my newest nephew.  Mom and baby are both well.  I got to see him on Saturday afternoon.  Here's another picture in case you missed the first ones. I think he looks like one of the dolls from Kathe Kruse in this picture.

Friday night.  Out until 3am. The Current 5th Anniversary Birthday Party at First Ave.  Super fantastic show.  The Twilight Hours, POS, and Solid Gold, plus seeing (old and not-so-old) friends.  It was O'Donovan's for Stella and fish and chips beforehand and 7th Ave Mickey's (I really like the beans) afterward.  I also had my first Surly Furious.  Tastes like grapefruit.  A breakfast beer!

I'm in love!  Saturday morning found me stumbling blindly to Rustica at 8:30 in the morning with another great friend.  The beautiful latte woke my brain up.   The Pistachio Chocolate Danish woke up my tongue (I proceeded to talk non-stop after that, sorry.)  The danish was incredibly light, more like a croissant than what I now realize are poor, soggy substitutes for this confection.  Crunchy pistachios, creamy melted chocolate, heaven.  Bostock was also ordered and said to be equally as amazing.  When the description was being given, all I heard was, "brioche, dipped in (something), baked, almond paste, baked."  It sounded like some kind of ethereal french toast.  I'll be back before too long and I might stay until lunch because I want to try the confit chicken salad sandwich.

The rest of Saturday was quiet (because I was sleeping.)  The visit to the baby was wonderful and movie with the kid (Whip It) was not so wonderful.  I mean the time with the kid was great, the movie not so.  Today is more sleep, laundry, and it will be an omelet with leftovers (mmm, caramelized brassicas) and gouda for dinner.

I never thought of my self as a picky person, but I think I am becoming so.  Maybe it's my advancing age.

1 comment:

  1. The show was fabbo as was Mickey's afterward. It took me the rest of the weekend to recover, though. I'm getting old.
