Friday, January 22, 2010

Party Pizza

I started reading What to Eat by Marion Nestle last night.  I read the chapter on organic foods.  Mostly a discussion of the whys and hows organic food might be better for you.  She comes down on the side of the organic yes, and she does convince me.  I wandered around the organic section of Cub (it's on my way home) (wandering may be too of an expansive of a word, the section is tiny) and was overwhelmed by the prices and choices.  So I walked out of the grocery store with a party pizza and Imagine Whirled Peace (no rBGH!)

I wanted to sit on the couch and watch TV tonight.  I wanted to eat my party pizza.  I turned my oven on and a few minutes later, noticed that the oven was especially fragrant this evening.  I went into the kitchen to get an idea of how fast the temperature was rising and noticed there was smoke coming out of the vented burner.  I opened the oven and discovered a smoking patch of blackness.  I have no idea what was dumped in the oven.  I haven't used it in a long time.  I spent a good half hour fanning the alarms and encouraging the smoke to leave out the back door.  So no party pizza and I have another task added to the weekend's list:  clean the oven.  Joy.

On the other hand, the Imagine Whirled Peace is now gone.

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