Sunday, May 9, 2010

Bulgogi on a Sunday Night

It's been awhile.  I am back with bulgogi.  It's the first time I've made it and I was pretty pleased with how it turned out.  It looked a little more saucy and was a little more sticky than what I've had in the past.  In fact, it really does look more like a teriyaki. I think I let it marinate too long, but even Morgan said she would eat it again.  I used a recipe from Chow, but I will probably continue to search until I find something more "authentic." The kim chee (which I've been craving and was the whole reason I made this) came from Don Yang Oriental Foods in Columbia Heights.  

Mill City Farmer's Market opened up again this weekend!  It meant Indian Spice Mini Donuts from the Chef Shack and Harukei turnips and goat cheese.  The weather was chilly, but it was worth it.

We bought greenhouse-grown brandywine and a purple/black tomato.  They weren't as tasty as the in-season tomatoes will be, but they were certainly better than anything that can be found in grocery stores right now.  Dinner was bacon, lettuce kale, and tomato sandwiches, with a turnip and greens saute on the side.  I used uncured bacon from Whole Foods which I will never use again because it was paper thin and just not bacon-y enough.  I thought I was incredibly clever to use braised kale instead of lettuce (I'm becoming of the opinion that lettuce on a sandwich/burger/whatever--anything but a salad--is superfluous.)  I added dried Thai chili to give it a little kick.  I made my own mayo (used very sparingly) and the bread--sourdough (really?) and garlic--came from the market too.  A meal heavy on the greenery, but that made up for the "bacon."

So lots has been happening--a few shows,  awesome book "discoveries," dinners out and dinners at home, company, surgery, healing--the norms.  If I can manage to get back into this, I plan to share.


  1. I made the bulgogi last night! Thanks for the recipe (and the menu suggestion) - it was delicious!
